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Machine tools milling and milling

Machine tools milling and milling

We are a distributor of Machine tools milling and milling in different shapes and materials. We are located at Tehran-South and you can contact us at info@ziax.ir
Application : تراش دادن قطعات حساس
Size : از سایز 80 - 100 - 125 - 130 - 160 - 180 - 200 - 250 - 315 - 320 - 400 - 800 - 1000
Machinery : تراش رومیزی ، دستگاه تراش بزرگ ، دستگاه تراش CNC
WEBSITE: Machine tools milling and milling Iran

Machine tools milling and milling
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Machine tools milling and milling
Machine tools milling and milling
Machine tools milling and milling
Machine tools milling and milling
Machine tools milling and milling
Machine tools milling and milling
Machine tools milling and milling
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